Portside Interiors 120 E Broadway, Vancouver, BC | Store hours: Tuesday-Saturday 10-6pm, Sunday 11-6pm, (Closed Monday) | Free Parking in Back Lane


The Coffee Table, also known as a Cocktail Table and for some a Dining Table, we won't judge. Coffee tables can often be down the list of your homes needs, but given the opportunity, your coffee table is there to service your needs, place a vase, lay a book or hold your coffee mug. Equally importantly to function is design and style. The Coffee table can define your personal style in such a forefront way. Positioned in the centre of your Living Room in front of your sofa and arm chair lies an opportunity for a beautiful round organic modern coffee table, perhaps you need to tidy up so a storage coffee table with drawers may suit your needs. Let us know how we can help you with your coffee tables needs and help define your personal style at Portside Interiors.

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